- Café au lait spots
- Calcium, decreased serum
- Calcium, increased serum
- Calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease
- Calf pain
- Cancer, bone
- Cancer, ovarian
- Cancer, paraneoplastic syndromes
- Cardiac tumors
- Carotid pulse, bisferiens
- Carotid upstroke, delayed
- Catatonia or stiffness
- Cavitary lung disease
- Cervical (cervix) lesions
- Cervical discharge
- Cervical lymphadenopathy
- Cervicitis
- Charcot joint
- Cheilitis, angular
- Chest pain
- Chest pain, pleuritic
- Cheyne-Stokes respiration
- Cholecystectomy, postoperative pain
- Cholestasis
- Cholesterol decreased
- Cholesterol increased
- Chondrocalcinosis
- Chorea
- Chronic diarrhea
- Chronic fatigue syndrome
- Chronic pain disorder
- Chylous ascites
- Ciliary injection
- Cirrhosis
- Claudication, lower extremity
- Claudication, upper extremity
- Cloudy urine
- Clubbed digits
- Coagulopathy
- Cold urticaria
- Coma
- Condyloma acuminata
- Constipation
- Constricted pupil
- Conversion disorder
- Cough, acute
- Cough, acute and fever
- Cough, acute in hospitalized patient
- Cough, bloody
- Cough, chronic
- Cough, chronic and fever
- Cough and chest pain
- Cough and headache
- Cough headache
- Cramps, muscle
- Cranial nerve 3 palsy
- Cranial nerve 6 palsy
- Cranial nerve 7 palsy
- Cranial nerve palsy
- Crusted lesions
- Cryoglobulinemia
- CXR, lower lobe disease
- CXR, normal with hypoxia
- CXR, upper lobe disease
- Cyanosis