5-Minute Clinical Consult
- S00.96XA Insect bite (nonvenomous) of unspecified part of head, initial encounter
- S01.85XA Open bite of other part of head, initial encounter
- S02.402A Zygomatic fracture, unsp, init encntr for closed fracture
- S02.5XXA Fracture of tooth (traumatic), init for clos fx
- S02.5XXB Fracture of tooth (traumatic), init encntr for open fracture
- S02.609A Fracture of mandible, unsp, init encntr for closed fracture
- S02.69XA Fracture of mandible of oth site, init for clos fx
- S05.01XA Inj conjunctiva and corneal abrasion w/o fb, right eye, init
- S05.02XA Inj conjunctiva and corneal abrasion w/o fb, left eye, init
- S05.10XA Contusion of eyeball and orbital tissues, unsp eye, init
- S06.0X0S Concussion without loss of consciousness, sequela
- S06.0X1S Concussion w LOC of 30 minutes or less, sequela
- S06.0X2S Concussion w loss of consciousness of 31-59 min, sequela
- S06.0X3S Concussion w LOC of 1-5 hrs 59 min, sequela
- S06.0X4S Concussion w LOC of 6 hours to 24 hours, sequela
- S06.0X9A Concussion w loss of consciousness of unsp duration, init
- S06.1X0A Traumatic cerebral edema w/o loss of consciousness, init
- S06.2X0A Diffuse TBI w/o loss of consciousness, init
- S06.300A Unsp focal TBI w/o loss of consciousness, init
- S06.360A Traum hemor cereb, w/o loss of consciousness, init
- S06.370A Contus/lac/hem crblm w/o loss of consciousness, init
- S06.380A Contus/lac/hem brainstem w/o loss of consciousness, init
- S06.5X0A Traum subdr hem w/o loss of consciousness, init
- S06.6X0A Traum subrac hem w/o loss of consciousness, init
- S06.890A Intcran inj w/o loss of consciousness, init encntr
- S06.9X9A Unsp intracranial injury w LOC of unsp duration, init
- S06.9X9S Unsp intracranial injury w LOC of unsp duration, sequela
- S09.20XA Traumatic rupture of unspecified ear drum, initial encounter
- S09.21XA Traumatic rupture of right ear drum, initial encounter
- S09.22XA Traumatic rupture of left ear drum, initial encounter
- S10.96XA Insect bite of unspecified part of neck, initial encounter
- S12.000A Unsp disp fx of first cervical vertebra, init for clos fx
- S12.001A Unsp nondisp fx of first cervical vertebra, init for clos fx
- S12.090A Oth disp fx of first cervical vertebra, init for clos fx
- S12.091A Oth nondisp fx of first cervical vertebra, init for clos fx
- S12.100A Unsp disp fx of second cervical vertebra, init for clos fx
- S12.101A Unsp nondisp fx of second cervical vertebra, init
- S12.191A Oth nondisp fx of second cervical vertebra, init for clos fx
- S12.200A Unsp disp fx of third cervical vertebra, init for clos fx
- S12.201A Unsp nondisp fx of third cervical vertebra, init for clos fx
- S12.290A Oth disp fx of third cervical vertebra, init for clos fx
- S12.291A Oth nondisp fx of third cervical vertebra, init for clos fx
- S12.300A Unsp disp fx of fourth cervical vertebra, init for clos fx
- S12.301A Unsp nondisp fx of fourth cervical vertebra, init
- S12.390A Oth disp fx of fourth cervical vertebra, init for clos fx
- S12.391A Oth nondisp fx of fourth cervical vertebra, init for clos fx
- S12.400A Unsp disp fx of fifth cervical vertebra, init for clos fx
- S12.401A Unsp nondisp fx of fifth cervical vertebra, init for clos fx
- S12.490A Oth disp fx of fifth cervical vertebra, init for clos fx
- S12.491A Oth nondisp fx of fifth cervical vertebra, init for clos fx
- S12.500A Unsp disp fx of sixth cervical vertebra, init for clos fx
- S12.501A Unsp nondisp fx of sixth cervical vertebra, init for clos fx
- S12.590A Oth disp fx of sixth cervical vertebra, init for clos fx
- S12.591A Oth nondisp fx of sixth cervical vertebra, init for clos fx
- S12.600A Unsp disp fx of seventh cervical vertebra, init for clos fx
- S12.601A Unsp nondisp fx of seventh cervical vertebra, init
- S12.690A Oth disp fx of seventh cervical vertebra, init for clos fx
- S12.691A Oth nondisp fx of seventh cervical vertebra, init
- S13.20XA Dislocation of unspecified parts of neck, initial encounter
- S13.29XA Dislocation of other parts of neck, initial encounter
- S13.8XXA Sprain of joints and ligaments of oth prt neck, init encntr
- S13.9XXA Sprain of joints and ligaments of unsp parts of neck, init
- S14.0XXA Concussion and edema of cervical spinal cord, init encntr
- S14.101A Unsp injury at C1 level of cervical spinal cord, init encntr
- S14.102A Unsp injury at C2 level of cervical spinal cord, init encntr
- S14.103A Unsp injury at C3 level of cervical spinal cord, init encntr
- S14.104A Unsp injury at C4 level of cervical spinal cord, init encntr
- S14.105A Unsp injury at C5 level of cervical spinal cord, init encntr
- S14.106A Unsp injury at C6 level of cervical spinal cord, init encntr
- S14.107A Unsp injury at C7 level of cervical spinal cord, init encntr
- S14.108A Unsp injury at C8 level of cervical spinal cord, init encntr
- S14.119A Complete lesion at unsp level of cervical spinal cord, init
- S14.129A Central cord synd at unsp level of cerv spinal cord, init
- S14.139A Ant cord syndrome at unsp level of cerv spinal cord, init
- S14.159A Oth incmpl lesion at unsp level of cerv spinal cord, init
- S14.3XXA Injury of brachial plexus, initial encounter
- S14.4XXA Injury of peripheral nerves of neck, initial encounter
- S14.8XXA Injury of other specified nerves of neck, initial encounter
- S14.9XXA Injury of unspecified nerves of neck, initial encounter
- S20.97XA Other superficial bite of unspecified parts of thorax, initial encounter
- S30.842A External constriction of penis, initial encounter
- S32.409A Unsp fracture of unsp acetabulum, init for clos fx
- S37.20XA Unspecified injury of bladder, initial encounter
- S37.22XA Contusion of bladder, initial encounter
- S37.23XA Laceration of bladder, initial encounter
- S37.29XA Other injury of bladder, initial encounter
- S39.94XA Unspecified injury of external genitals, initial encounter
- S40.269A Insect bite (nonvenomous) of unspecified shoulder, initial encounter
- S40.869A Insect bite (nonvenomous) of unsp upper arm, init encntr
- S53.031A Nursemaid's elbow, right elbow, initial encounter
- S53.032A Nursemaid's elbow, left elbow, initial encounter
- S53.033A Nursemaid's elbow, unspecified elbow, initial encounter
- S53.4 Sprain of elbow
- S54.00XA Injury of ulnar nerve at forearm level, unspecified arm, initial encounter
- S54.01XA Injury of ulnar nerve at forearm level, right arm, initial encounter
- S54.02XA Injury of ulnar nerve at forearm level, left arm, initial encounter
- S60.349A External constriction of unspecified thumb, initial encounter
- S60.449A External constriction of unspecified finger, initial encounter
- S61.459A Open bite of unspecified hand, initial encounter
- S63.509S Unspecified sprain of unspecified wrist, sequela
- S63.509 Unspecified sprain of unspecified wrist
- S63.619S Unspecified sprain of unspecified finger, sequela
- S63.619 Unspecified sprain of unspecified finger
- S63.68 Other sprain of thumb
- S63.698 Other sprain of other finger
- S63.90xS Sprain of unspecified part of unspecified wrist and hand, sequela
- S72.001A Fracture of unsp part of neck of right femur, init
- S72.002A Fracture of unsp part of neck of left femur, init
- S72.009A Fracture of unsp part of neck of unsp femur, init
- S72.011A Unsp intracapsular fracture of right femur, init for clos fx
- S72.012A Unsp intracapsular fracture of left femur, init for clos fx
- S72.019A Unsp intracapsular fracture of unsp femur, init for clos fx
- S72.034A Nondisplaced midcervical fracture of right femur, init
- S72.035A Nondisplaced midcervical fracture of left femur, init
- S72.036A Nondisplaced midcervical fracture of unsp femur, init
- S72.051A Unsp fracture of head of right femur, init for clos fx
- S72.052A Unsp fracture of head of left femur, init for clos fx
- S72.059A Unsp fracture of head of unsp femur, init for clos fx
- S73.004A Unspecified dislocation of right hip, initial encounter
- S73.005A Unspecified dislocation of left hip, initial encounter
- S73.006A Unspecified dislocation of unspecified hip, init encntr
- S73.014A Posterior dislocation of right hip, initial encounter
- S73.015A Posterior dislocation of left hip, initial encounter
- S73.016A Posterior dislocation of unspecified hip, initial encounter
- S73.034A Other anterior dislocation of right hip, initial encounter
- S73.035A Other anterior dislocation of left hip, initial encounter
- S73.036A Other anterior dislocation of unspecified hip, init encntr
- S73.19 Other sprain of hip
- S73.1 Sprain of hip
- S80.879A Other superficial bite, unspecified lower leg, initial encounter
- S82.309A Unsp fracture of lower end of unsp tibia, init for clos fx
- S82.53XB Disp fx of med malleolus of unsp tibia, 7thB
- S82.56XA Nondisp fx of medial malleolus of unsp tibia, init
- S82.56XB Nondisp fx of med malleolus of unsp tibia, 7thB
- S82.63XA Disp fx of lateral malleolus of unsp fibula, init
- S82.63XB Disp fx of lateral malleolus of unsp fibula, 7thB
- S82.66XA Nondisp fx of lateral malleolus of unsp fibula, init
- S82.66XB Nondisp fx of lateral malleolus of unsp fibula, 7thB
- S82.843A Displaced bimalleolar fracture of unsp lower leg, init
- S82.843B Displ bimalleol fx unsp lower leg, init for opn fx type I/2
- S82.846A Nondisplaced bimalleolar fracture of unsp lower leg, init
- S82.846B Nondisp bimalleol fx unsp low leg, init for opn fx type I/2
- S82.853B Displ trimalleol fx unsp lower leg, init for opn fx type I/2
- S82.856A Nondisplaced trimalleolar fracture of unsp lower leg, init
- S82.856B Nondisp trimalleol fx unsp low leg, init for opn fx type I/2
- S82.871A Displaced pilon fracture of right tibia, init for clos fx
- S82.872A Displaced pilon fracture of left tibia, init for clos fx
- S82.873A Displaced pilon fracture of unsp tibia, init for clos fx
- S82.874A Nondisplaced pilon fracture of right tibia, init for clos fx
- S82.875A Nondisplaced pilon fracture of left tibia, init for clos fx
- S82.876A Nondisplaced pilon fracture of unsp tibia, init for clos fx
- S82.891A Oth fracture of right lower leg, init for clos fx
- S82.892A Oth fracture of left lower leg, init for clos fx
- S82.899A Oth fracture of unsp lower leg, init for clos fx
- S82.899B Oth fracture of unsp lower leg, init for opn fx type I/2
- S83.200A Bucket-hndl tear of unsp mensc, current injury, r knee, init
- S83.201A Bucket-hndl tear of unsp mensc, current injury, l knee, init
- S83.202A Bucket-hndl tear of unsp mensc, crnt injury, unsp knee, init
- S83.206A Unsp tear of unsp meniscus, current injury, right knee, init
- S83.207A Unsp tear of unsp meniscus, current injury, left knee, init
- S83.209A Unsp tear of unsp meniscus, current injury, unsp knee, init
- S83.211A Bucket-hndl tear of medial mensc, crnt injury, r knee, init
- S83.212A Bucket-hndl tear of medial mensc, crnt injury, l knee, init
- S83.219A Bucket-hndl tear of medial mensc, crnt inj, unsp knee, init
- S83.221A Prph tear of medial meniscus, current injury, r knee, init
- S83.222A Prph tear of medial meniscus, current injury, l knee, init
- S83.229A Prph tear of medial mensc, current injury, unsp knee, init
- S83.231A Complex tear of medial mensc, current injury, r knee, init
- S83.232A Complex tear of medial mensc, current injury, l knee, init
- S83.239A Cmplx tear of medial mensc, current injury, unsp knee, init
- S83.241A Oth tear of medial meniscus, current injury, r knee, init
- S83.242A Oth tear of medial meniscus, current injury, left knee, init
- S83.249A Oth tear of medial meniscus, current injury, unsp knee, init
- S83.251A Bucket-hndl tear of lat mensc, current injury, r knee, init
- S83.252A Bucket-hndl tear of lat mensc, current injury, l knee, init
- S83.259A Bucket-hndl tear of lat mensc, crnt injury, unsp knee, init
- S83.261A Prph tear of lat mensc, current injury, right knee, init
- S83.262A Prph tear of lat mensc, current injury, left knee, init
- S83.269A Prph tear of lat mensc, current injury, unsp knee, init
- S83.271A Complex tear of lat mensc, current injury, right knee, init
- S83.272A Complex tear of lat mensc, current injury, left knee, init
- S83.279A Complex tear of lat mensc, current injury, unsp knee, init
- S83.281A Oth tear of lat mensc, current injury, right knee, init
- S83.282A Oth tear of lat mensc, current injury, left knee, init
- S83.289A Oth tear of lat mensc, current injury, unsp knee, init
- S83.511A Sprain of anterior cruciate ligament of right knee, init
- S83.512A Sprain of anterior cruciate ligament of left knee, init
- S83.519A Sprain of anterior cruciate ligament of unsp knee, init
- S86.001A Unspecified injury of right Achilles tendon, initial encounter
- S86.002A Unspecified injury of left Achilles tendon, initial encounter
- S86.009A Unspecified injury of unspecified Achilles tendon, initial encounter
- S86.011A Strain of right Achilles tendon, initial encounter
- S86.012A Strain of left Achilles tendon, initial encounter
- S86.019A Strain of unspecified Achilles tendon, initial encounter
- S86.021A Laceration of right Achilles tendon, initial encounter
- S86.022A Laceration of left Achilles tendon, initial encounter
- S86.029A Laceration of unspecified Achilles tendon, initial encounter
- S86.091A Other specified injury of right Achilles tendon, init encntr
- S86.099A Oth injury of unspecified Achilles tendon, init encntr
- S86.891A Other injury of other muscle(s) and tendon(s) at lower leg level, right leg, initial encounter
- S86.892A Other injury of other muscle(s) and tendon(s) at lower leg level, left leg, initial encounter
- S86.899A Other injury of other muscle(s) and tendon(s) at lower leg level, unspecified leg, initial encounter
- S90.444A External constriction, right lesser toe(s), initial encounter
- S90.445A External constriction, left lesser toe(s), initial encounter
- S90.446A External constriction, unspecified lesser toe(s), initial encounter
- S93.401A Sprain of unspecified ligament of right ankle, init encntr
- S93.402A Sprain of unspecified ligament of left ankle, init encntr
- S93.409S Sprain of unspecified ligament of unspecified ankle, sequela
- S93.411A Sprain of calcaneofibular ligament of right ankle, init
- S93.412A Sprain of calcaneofibular ligament of left ankle, init
- S93.419A Sprain of calcaneofibular ligament of unsp ankle, init
- S93.421A Sprain of deltoid ligament of right ankle, initial encounter
- S93.422A Sprain of deltoid ligament of left ankle, initial encounter
- S93.429A Sprain of deltoid ligament of unspecified ankle, init encntr
- S93.431A Sprain of tibiofibular ligament of right ankle, init encntr
- S93.432A Sprain of tibiofibular ligament of left ankle, init encntr
- S93.439A Sprain of tibiofibular ligament of unsp ankle, init encntr
- S93.491A Sprain of other ligament of right ankle, initial encounter
- S93.492A Sprain of other ligament of left ankle, initial encounter
- S93.499A Sprain of other ligament of unspecified ankle, init encntr
- S93.4 Sprain of ankle
- S93.509S Unspecified sprain of unspecified toe(s), sequela
- S93.5 Sprain of toe
- S93.609S Unspecified sprain of unspecified foot, sequela
- S93.609 Unspecified sprain of unspecified foot
- S93.60 Unspecified sprain of foot
- S93.69 Other sprain of foot
- S93.6 Sprain of foot
- S96.919A Strain of unsp msl/tnd at ank/ft level, unsp foot, init